News from 19-Jul-2013 (KOL & MCK v3.19)
[+] Event OnLVSubItemDraw added. VK
[-] StrScanLen function: PAS_VERSION fixed. Position of character found was returning though it should be a position of the next character to be returned. VK
[-] File2Str function: fixed. An ambigous #0 was adding to the end of a string loaded. VK
[-] Bitmap RLE4 and RLE8 encoding and decoding are fixed and improved (and decoding is translated to assembler). VK
[+] Stroke2Window and friendly function: small changes to improve keystrokes passing. VK


News from 23-Apr-2012 (KOL & MCK v3.18)
[+] Symbol added: PAS_ONLY. VK
[+] Support added for Delphi XE2 ( and some changes in KOL.PAS). It is possible to create native 64 applications. VK
News from 23-Feb-2012 (KOL & MCK v3.17)
[-] Resources leak fixed for ListView. VK, G-Host
[+] Function IndexOfName, property Values are provided for TWStrList rdnks
[*] Functions Str2TimeFmt, Str2TimeShort added (to decode time only), function Str2DateTimeShortEx fixed for default TDateTime representation (from 1-Jan-1601) VK
News from 26-Nov-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.16)
[-] TreeView editing node fixed (asm-code). Dufa
[-] TObj.VmtAddr, TObj.InstanceSize fixed. VK
[-] Time2StrFmt fixed for case when time part is only present in TDateTime value. VK
[-] WndProcToolbarCtrl fixed for case of EVENTS_STATIC. dotnet20
[-] Property Visible incorrectly returned false if StayOnTop was assigned to true in OnShow event, fixed (adding a call to UpdateWndStyles in WndProcShowHide). VK
News from 08-Oct-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.15)
[-] KOL: function Str2DateTimeFmt fixed for 30, 31 day of month. GMax
[*] MCK: some small changes to allow using design-time non-KOL components. VK
News from 21-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.14159265)
[*] KOL: function Extended2Str modified (understands now ',' alseo as a decimal separator. Dufa
[-] KOL - function StrSatisfy fixed for case of empty mask (returns false). VK, Dufa
News from 21-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.1415926)
[-] KOL: Date and Time functions are fixed, smaller code provided for working with dates starting from 1-Jan-1601.  With conditional symbol DATE0_0001 it is possible to return to earlier (but corrected) version of code, providing correct date representation from year 1, B.C. VK
[-] KOL compiling with earlier Delphi version (Delphi2, 3) fixed. VK
[-] KOL / MCK: FormCompact fixed for frames. VK
[*] KOL: more optimizations, asm version provided for more functions. VK
News from 19-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.1415)
[-] KOL: OnDestroy calling for a form / applet fixed. Dufa
[-] KOL compiling with USE_GRAPHCTLS symbol defined fixed. VK
[-] KOL: asm versions of several more functions are provided. VK
News from 17-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.14)
[-] KOL: function StrRepeat fixed for UNICODE_CTRLS, asm-version added (and also for WStrRepeat). VK, Jon
[-] KOL TControl.SetVerticalAlign asm-verion fixed (the bug was reported by Jon). VK
[-] MCK: a warning added when an undesirable aligning is set for a combobox (caLeft, caRight, caClient). VK
News frim 15-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.12+)
[-] MCK+KOL: TKOLFrame.FormCompact. fixed. VK
[-] KOL: vertical alignment of text fixed (property VerticalAlign for label, button, panel, label effect). VK
[-] KOL:ResetEvent fixed. Thanks to Awkward for a bug report. VK
News from 14-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.11)
[+] MCK: a property added TKOLToolbarButton.Checkable (with a message that radioGroup should be used to make button checkable). VK
[-] Tabulate2Control (asm version): tabulating back via SHIFT+TAB fixed. VK, Jon
News from 13-Feb-2011 (KOL & MCK v3.10)
[+] MCK: a property added TKOLForm.AssignTextToControls (when set to False then properties Caption, Text, and other text values usually assigned in the MCK generated code would not be assigned or will be assigned to the empty string. This could be useful for localization purposes when those text is always assigned in your code depending on the current language settings). For TKOLCombobox and TKOLListBox properties added  AlwaysAssignItems, which should be assigned to  true to ignore property AssignTextToControls of the form (but for assigning list items only). VK
[-] MCK: a lot of fixes for FormCompact. VK
[*] TControl.Tabulate (asm version) changed. VK
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