Attention! |
CONSTRUCTION. Some links can be broken. Please be patient!
This page earlier
was known to be placed at address kolmck.net. At this time
this address is busy and the KOL
author has no any relation to an information located there.
It is possible to download the actual
version of the KOL/MCK also at the
https://sourceforge.net/projects/kolmck (if the reference is
not working, use a search on sourceforge projects trying
keywords: kolmck, key objects library,
kol). |
Brief description |
Delphi2 - Delphi7, Borland Developer Studio
2005-2012, Turbo-Delphi, Kylix
and Free Pascal Compiler 1.0.5 and higher are supported now. KOL allows
to create very compact Windows32 GUI applications (starting from ~11K
without compression - if suggested system units replacement used). The
most of code is converted to built-in assembler. A help generating tool xHelpGen is provided for KOL, which creates
detailed documentation in html format. Documentation is generated on
base of comments from the source, so developers instantly have access to
the most fresh and complete documentation. A package MCK (Mirror Classes Kit) provided with KOL, and all the
advantages of visual programming are available for Delphi developers who
use KOL (MCK supports Delphi versions supported from 2 to 7). |
safe and simple algorithmic language with a relaiable memory allocation
model which need not in garbage collection. Source code can be
translated to any modern programming language (Delphi, C#, C++), applications created with AL-IV natively use
one or more correspondent frameworks (e.g., for Delphi both KOL and VCL
are supported, in case of KOL minimal size of
an application is 10Kbytes). Applications written once can be launched in different
OS (Windows - from NT/98 to 10, Linux, Android, MAC, iOS, etc.) |
Here you
can find AL-IV language description. |
Important information |
Developing the
KOL is stopped
in 2015, modifications are minimized,
and new version
will appear very rare. KOL - is a tool to
develop Win32 applications using 32 bit Delphi version or Free Pascal. At this time the KOL
GUI-development and
OpenGL support) is concerned as one of target
platforms in a project of a multi-platform programming language
Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Vladimir Kladov