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CLASS {Mathematics|_functions} , ABSTRACT, NATIVE, BITWISE, UNTESTED :

Mathematical functions and constants (mainly to work with REAL numbers).

IMPORT : {NATIVE_Mathematics} , {System_functions} , {String_functions} .


FUNCTION Square|_of ( REAL V|alue_to_square ) ==> REAL

FUNCTION Cube|_of_value (
REAL V|alue_to_square ) ==> REAL

FUNCTION Power|_of (
REAL B|ase_value ,
REAL Exp|onent ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Sqrt|_square_root ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUNCTION Is_NAN|_value ( REAL V|alue_to_check ) ==> BOOL , NATIVE

FUNCTION Is_INF|_positive_or_negative (
REAL V|alue_to_check ) ==> BOOL , NATIVE

FUN Abs|olute_number ( INT,REAL X|_argument ) ==> INT,REAL

FUN IAbs|olute_integer ( INT X|_argument ) ==> INT , DEPRECATED('Abs')

FUN Sign|_of_number ( INT,REAL X|_number ) ==> INT

FUN Round|_to_nearest_integer ( REAL X|_number ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Trunc|_to_smaller_integer ( REAL X|_number ) ==> INT , NATIVE

FUN Almost_eq|ual_to ( REAL X|_number , REAL C|ompare_with ) ==> BOOL

FUN Near|_value (
REAL X|_number ,
REAL C|ompare_with ) ==> BOOL , INLINE

------------------------------------- 'max, min, average on arrays of REAL'


FUN Average|_number ( INT,REAL A|rray_of_numbers [*] ) ==> REAL

-------------------------------------------------------------- 'logarithms'


FUN Log10|_based_logarithm ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Ln|atural_logarithm ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Base_log|arithm (
REAL Base|_argument ,
REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

------------------------------------------------------------ 'trigonometry'


FUN PI|_trigonometric_constant ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Sin|us_of_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Cos|inus_of_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Tan|gens_of_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Cotan|gens_of_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

-------------------------------------- 'backward trigonometrical functions'


FUN Arcsin|us_to_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Arccos|inus_to_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Arctan|gens_to_radians ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Arctan2|gens_of_ratio || Atan2|_oldschool_name (
REAL Y|_argument ,
REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

--------------------------------------- 'exponent and hyperbolic functions'


FUN Exp|onent ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Sinh|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Cosh|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Tanh|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Coth|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

------------------------------------------- 'backward hyperbolic functions'


FUN Arcsinh|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Arccosh|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

FUN Arctanh|yperbolic ( REAL X|_argument ) ==> REAL , NATIVE

------------------------------------------------------------ 'integer math'


FUN Int_pow|er ( INT B|ase_value , INT Exp|onent ) ==> INT

FUN Is_negative ( INT Value|_to_check ) ==> BOOL

------------------------------------------------------------ 'Rome numbers'


FUNCTION Rome|_number ( INT X|_value_from_1_to_100000 ) ==> STR

FUN Real|_from_string ( STR S|tring_source ) ==> REAL

FUNCTION Frac|tional_part ( REAL V|alue_to_get_frac ) ==> REAL

FUNCTION S_float|ing_point_representation (
REAL R|eal_value ,
INT Decimal_digits|_negative_to_use_schoolar_rounding ) ==> STR

FUN increment ( STR S|ource_string_og_digits ) ==> STR