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(including protected members)


{Control} is the common prototype of any visual or non-visual component placed on a form. All the components are placed in form columns. For columns its disposition is specified (left, right, top, bottom, center). Visual components are usually placed from top to bottom (or from left to right - for top / bottom aligned columns). Usually one component is occupying a row, but sometimes two components are placed together in a row (if the first is a label and the second does not require entire column width and the label size is suffitiently small to fit both components in a single row). Component events are handled in a parent form methods (like click, change, mouse_move etc.)

IMPORT : {Geometry} .

{Form} Form_|parent_ , INIT

A reference to a parent form.

STR Alias|_of_control , INIT

String Alias, which can be used to identify sender controls while handling events like mouse move, press, keyboard, or change text in an {Edit} control.

INT Handle|_control_native , READ

A control native handle used to associate an AL-IV control with the native component implementing it on a certain target.

STR Parent_column|_on_form , READ


METHOD visual|_component_dummy_override_to_in_non_visual_like_timer ==> BOOL , CALLBACK

----------------------------- 'stored locally (in certain implementations)'

STR local_caption

BOOL local_hidden

BOOL local_disabled

{rect} local_bounds

----------------------------------------------------- 'local stored colors'

INT local_foreground

INT local_background

------------------------------------------------------- 'local stored font'

STR local_font_face

REAL local_font_size

STR local_font_styles

------------------------------ 'control position relative to parent column'

METHOD Left|_position_in_parent_column ==> REAL

Left coordinate of the top-left point relative to the parent column, in points.

METHOD Set_left ( REAL L|eft_position_points ) , SETTER FOR Left

Setting left coordinate to a certain value. This has no permanent results except auto-arrange was cancelled for the column (the method {Form}.Set_column_auto_arrange with the FALSE as the parameter).

METHOD Top|_position_in_parent_column ==> REAL

Y coordinate of the top-left point relative to the parent column, in points.

METHOD Set_top|_position (
REAL T|op_position_points ) , SETTER FOR Top

Setting top coordinate to a certain value. This has no permanent results except auto-arrange was cancelled for the column (the method {Form}.Set_column_auto_arrange with the FALSE as the parameter).

METHOD Set_offset ( REAL X|_value_set , REAL Y|_value_set )

Setting a certain top and left coordinate for the control. This has no permanent results except auto-arrange was cancelled for the column (the method {Form}.Set_column_auto_arrange with the FALSE as the parameter).

METHOD Location|_in_parent_form ==> {Geometry}.{point}

The control top and left coordinates relatively to the parent form client area.

METHOD Width|_of_control ==> REAL

The visual control width in points

METHOD Set_width ( REAL W|idth_points ) , SETTER FOR Width

Setting a certain width for the control. This has no permanent results except the parent column is top or bottom aligned or auto-arrange was cancelled for the column.

REAL last_set_w|idth

REAL last_set_h|eight

METHOD Height|_of_control ==> REAL

The visual control height in points

METHOD Set_height ( REAL Height_p|oints ) , SETTER FOR Height

Setting a certain height for the control.

METHOD Set_size ( REAL New_w|idth , REAL New_h|eight )

Setting a certain size for the control. This has no permanent results for width except the parent column is top or bottom aligned or auto-arrange was cancelled for the column. The value -1 means that the correspondent coordinate

---------------------- 'control bounds relative to entire form client area'

METHOD Bounds|_rectangle_relative_to_parent_form ==> {Geometry}.{rect} , CALLBACK

The visual control bounds rectangle relative to the parent form client area.

BOOL Can_anchor_bottom|_right , READ

TRUE, if the control allows setting the Anchor_bottom property (such as {Memo}, {Listbox}, {Paintbox} and its descendants).

BOOL Anchor_bottom|_right_only_edit_memo_combo_paintbox , READ

TRUE, if the control is anchored (expanded) bottom. This should be the last (bottom) visual control in the parent column (aligned left, right or center).

METHOD Set_anchor_bottom (
BOOL Bott|om_anchor ) , SETTER FOR Anchor_bottom

Setting value of the Anchor_bottom property (applicable only to controls which Can_anchor_bottom property is TRUE).

------------------------------------------------------- 'for {Paint_table}'


METHOD call_paint_item , CALLBACK

---------------------------------------------------- 'control common state'

It is not necessary to use these low level methods directly, instead form events hidden / disabled should be used to define conditions at which certain components become invisible / grayed. Desired components also should be placed into correspondent form's arrays grayable[ ] / can_hide[ ], otherwise these always will be visible / enabled.     

METHOD Get_hidden ==> BOOL

TRUE if the control is not visible on its form. To control if the control is hidden on form, it is necessary to override the method hidden of the form.

METHOD set_hidden ( BOOL Hidden_state )

METHOD Visible|_with_parent_column ==> BOOL , CALLBACK

METHOD Get_disabled ==> BOOL

TRUE if the control is disabled (grayed). To control the disabled property of a control it is necessary to override the nmethod hidden of the parent form.

METHOD set_disabled ( BOOL D|isabled_state )

METHOD Enabled|_control ==> BOOL , CALLBACK

------------------------ 'text parameters for all controls containing text'

BOOL Wrap|_text , READ

TRUE if the control is wrapable.

METHOD Set_wrap|able ( BOOL W|rapable_dummy ) , SETTER FOR Wrap

Setting control's wrapable property.

METHOD Get_selection|_text ==> STR

Returns a selection text. This method is applicable for all text edit controls like {Edit}, {Memo}, {Paint_lines}.

METHOD Replace_selection|_text (
STR T|ext_to_replace_selection_dummy ) , SETTER FOR Get_selection

Replacing a selection text with a certain value. This method is applicable for text edit controls like {Edit}, {Memo}, {Paint_lines}.

METHOD Text|_of_control ==> STR

Returns control's text. This method is applicable for all the controls having text shown like {Button}, {Label}, {Edit}, {Memo}, {Paint_lines}.

METHOD Caption|_text ==> STR

Returns control's text like the Text method.

METHOD Set_caption ( STR Value|_to_set ) , SETTER FOR Caption

Setting the control's text. This method is applicable for all the controls having a text shown like {Button}, {Label}, {Edit}, {Memo}.

METHOD Get_text|_of_control ==> STR

Returns control's text like the Text method.

METHOD Set_text|_of_control ( STR T|ext_to_set ) , SETTER FOR Get_text

Setting the control's text like in Set_caption. Additionally, the form's method Any_change is called if the text was changed in result.

STRUCTURE {from_to|_indexes_to_use_in_Memo}

      INT Line_from|_only_if_coordinates_in_form_LINE_COL

      INT From|_position

      INT Line_to|_only_if_coordinates_in_form_LINE_COL

      INT To|_position .

The structure to store coordinates in a multi-line text control.

------------------------------------------------------------------- 'items'

METHOD Get_item|_text (
INT Row|_of_control_dummy ,
INT Col|umn_of_control_dummy ) ==> STR

Getting item text. Applicable for controls having items, like {Listbox}, {Memo}.

METHOD Set_item|_text (
INT Row|_of_control_dummy ,
INT Col|umn_of_control_dummy ,
STR Value|_to_set_dummy ) , SETTER FOR Get_item

Setting item text. Applicable for controls having items, like {Listbox}, {Memo}.

METHOD Count|_rows_memo_listview_dummy ==> INT

Count of items. Applicable for controls having items, like {Listbox}, {Memo}.

METHOD Columns_count|_listview_dummy ==> INT

Count of columns. Applicable for controls having subitems, like {Paint_table}.

METHOD Clear|_delete_all_items

Clear items. Applicable for controls having items, like {Listbox}, {Memo}, {Paint_lines}, {Paint_table}.

------------------------------------------------------------------ 'colors'

INT Foreground|_color

Foreground color (used usually to draw text). On certain platforms this property can be ignored for some kinds of controls. E.g., for {Button} on Windows.

METHOD Set_foreground|_color (
INT C|olor_foreground ) , SETTER FOR Foreground

Setting foreground color for the control.

INT Background|_color

Background color (used usually to fill the background).

METHOD Set_background|_color (
INT C|olor_background ) , SETTER FOR Background

Setting background color for the control.

BOOL Custom_background|_when_set_at_least_one_set_to_TRUE

--------------------------------------------------------- 'font attributes'

METHOD Get_font_face|_dummy ==> STR

Getting name of the font face for the control.

METHOD Set_font_face ( STR F|ont_name ) , SETTER FOR Get_font_face

Setting name of the font face for the control.

METHOD Get_font_size|_dummy ==> REAL

Getting size of the font (in points) for the control.

METHOD Set_font_size ( REAL Value|_size ) , SETTER FOR Get_font_size

Setting the size of the font for the control.

METHOD Get_font_style|s_as_string_BIUS ==> STR

Getting the font style for the control as a string (B- Bold, I- Italic etc.).

METHOD Set_font_style|s_as_string_BIUS (
STR S|tyles_set_BUIS ) , SETTER FOR Get_font_style

Setting the font style for the control as a string (B- Bold, I- Italic etc.).

METHOD Setup_font|_all_attributes (
STR Face|_name ,
REAL Size|_font ,
STR Style|s_font )

Setting the font name, size and style for the control at once.

METHOD Is_autosize ==> BOOL

Returns TRUE for the control if it is sized automatically. This method should be overridden in a control implementation. It is used in a form auto-arrange procedure to arrange controls in its columns.

---------------------------------------------------- 'control mouse events'

METHOD mouse_move|d , CALLBACK

Control mouse move event. This is the method to override it in a control implementation. When a mouse move event is handled, first this method is called for the sender control. And if the flag stop_handling is set, then further event handling is stopped.

METHOD mouse_down , CALLBACK

Control mouse down event. This is the method to override it in a control implementation.

METHOD mouse_up|pered , CALLBACK

Control mouse up event. This is the method to override it in a control implementation.

METHOD mouse_double_click|ed , CALLBACK

Control mouse double click event. This is the method to override it in a control implementation.

METHOD mouse_wheel|_rotated , CALLBACK

Control mouse wheel event. This is the method to override it in a control implementation.

BOOL stop_handling|_event_do_not_pass_to_form_mouse_handling_methods_LOCAL

Setting this flag while processing any mouse event above prevents any further handling the event.


METHOD mouse_button|_clicked ==> {Form}.{button} , CALLBACK

Mouse button value, actual while any mouse event is handling.

METHOD mouse|_coords_in_points_relative_to_control_top_left_corner ==> {point} , CALLBACK

Mouse coordinates value, actual while any mouse event is handling.

METHOD vertical_wheel|_pages ==> REAL , CALLBACK

Mouse wheel vertical rotation value, actual while mouse wheel event is handling. The rotation is measured in "lines" (where 1 line is approximately equal to 120 in Windows for mouse wheel events).

METHOD horizontal_wheel|_shift ==> REAL , CALLBACK

Mouse wheel horizontal rotation value, actual while mouse wheel event is handling.

METHOD Click|_on_control_programmatically

------------------------------------------------------- 'animation effects'

METHOD animate|_begin (
INT Count|_times ,
INT Interval|_milleseconds ) , CALLBACK , IF Count IS CONST , THEN Count > 0, IF Interval IS CONST , THEN Interval > 0 :

Start a timer providing periodic call of the event animation (which can be used for animation or any other periodic tasks).

METHOD animation|_tick , CALLBACK

The handler to work periodically certain amount of times specified by the method animate.

--------------------------------------------------------------- 'scrolling'

METHOD scrolled|_window_content , CALLBACK

The handler of the scroll event, used in some controls having content larger then the view area and allowing to scroll it some ways (e.g. with scrollbars, mouse wheels or by gestures).

----------------------------------------------------- 'access Form_.sender'


METHOD set_form_sender ( {Control} Who|_is_sender ) , CALLBACK

METHOD activated

INT debug_suspend


METHOD Suspend|_redrawing , PUSH

METHOD resume|_redrawing , POP

METHOD do_suspend , CALLBACK