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A class to load / save an array of strings to / from a text file. Static functions Text_load / Text_save allows to avoid creating an object instance but these use default encoding (or try to detect encoding automatically on input, which can not work for some encodings).

IMPORT : {System_functions} , {String_functions} , {File_path} .

STR Path|_to_text_file , INIT

{String_functions}.{encoding} Encoding


METHOD Load|_strings (
STR Lines|_to_APPEND_to [] ) ==> BOOL

FUN From_text_file (
STR Lines|_cleared_first [] ,
STR Path|_text_file ,
{encoding} Encoding )

FUN To_text_file (
STR Lines|_to_save [] ,
STR Path|_where ,
{encoding} Encoding )

FUN Text_load|_first_clear_lines (
STR Path|_file ,
STR Lines|_array [] )

FUN Load_text ( STR Lines|_array [] , STR Path|_from )

METHOD Save|_strings ( STR Lines|_to_save [] ) ==> BOOL

FUN Text_save ( STR Path|_file , STR Lines|_array [] )

FUN Save_to|_file ( STR Lines|_array [] , STR Path|_file )

FUN Unicode_save ( STR Path|_file , STR Lines|_array [] )

FUN Unix_text_save ( STR Path|_file , STR Lines|_array [] )

STR Line_end|ing_sequence