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Functions to work with strings. There are also embedded functions Len and Find which also can be useful.

IMPORT : {NATIVE_String_functions} .

------------------------------------------------------- 'starting / ending'


FUNCTION Add_trail|ing ( STR S|ource_str , STR Trail|ing_str ) ==> STR

FUNCTION Trailing_slash ( STR P|ath_input ) ==> STR

FUN Path_sep|arator || Path_delimiter ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Remove_trailing ( STR S|ource_str , STR T|o_remove ) ==> STR

FUN Remove_ending ( STR S|ource_str , STR T|o_remove ) ==> STR

FUN Remove_starting ( STR S|ource_string , STR T|o_remove ) ==> STR

FUN Exclude|_substring (
STR S|tring_wher_exclude ,
STR W|hat_to_exclude ) ==> STR

FUN Remove_all (
STR S|tring_wher_exclude ,
STR W|hat_to_exclude ) ==> STR , INLINE

FUNCTION Starting|_with_string (
STR S|ource_s ,
STR B|egin_str ) ==> BOOL

FUNCTION Ending|_with_string || Ended|_by_string (
STR S|ource_s ,
STR E|nding_str ) ==> BOOL

FUNCTION Find_last (
STR S|tring_where_find ,
STR W|hat_find ) ==> INT

FUNCTION Find_from (
STR S|tring_where_find ,
INT From|_index ,
STR W|hat_find ) ==> INT

FUN Find_pos|ition_or_return_length (
STR S|tring_search_in ,
STR Patt|ern_to_search ) ==> INT

FUNCTION if || If|_condition_then_string (
BOOL Cond|ition ,
STR S|tring_to_return ) ==> STR , PUBLIC

FUN if_else || If_else || If_Else|_condition_then_string (
BOOL Cond|ition ,
STR S|tring_to_return ,
STR E|lse_variant ) ==> STR , PUBLIC

FUN if_debug || If_debug ( STR S|tring_to_return ) ==> STR , PUBLIC

FUNCTION Like|_pattern (
STR S1|tring_1 ,
STR S2|_pattern ) ==> BOOL , CALLBACK

-------------------------------------------- 'internal characters encoding'


FUNCTION Char|acter ( INT I|nteger_code ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUNCTION Ord|er_of_char ( STR Ch|aracter ) ==> INT , NATIVE

----------------------------------------------------------- 'registry case'


FUNCTION Upper|_case ( STR S|ource_str ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUNCTION Lower|_case ( STR S|ource_str ) ==> STR , NATIVE

------------------------------------------------------------------ 'arrays'


FUNCTION Contains|_string_in_array (
STR A|rray_of_strings [*] ,
STR Value|_string ,
BOOL Ignore_case|_of_letters ) ==> BOOL

FUNCTION Index_of (
STR A|rray_of_strings [*] ,
STR Value|_string ,
BOOL Ignore_case|_of_letters ) ==> INT

-------------------------------------------------- 'trimming non-printable'


FUNCTION Trim|_both_sides ( STR S|ource_str ) ==> STR

FUNCTION TrimR|ight ( STR S|ource_str ) ==> STR

FUNCTION TrimL|eft ( STR S|ource_str ) ==> STR

FUN RTrim|_right ( STR S|ource_string ) ==> STR

FUN LTrim|_left ( STR S|ource_string ) ==> STR

-------------------------------------------- 'divide string by a separator'


FUN Split|_string (
STR Dest|ination_array [] ,
STR S|tring_to_split ,
STR By|_pattern )

FUN Split_to|_array_of_strings (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR Dest|ination_array [] ,
STR By|_pattern )

FUN Merge|_strings (
STR,INT,REAL S|trings_to_merge [*] ,
STR Sep|arator ) ==> STR

FUN Count_char|s ( STR S|tring_in , STR C|har_to_count ) ==> INT

----------------------------------------------------- 'replace a substring'


FUN Replace|_symbol (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR F|rom_symbol ,
STR T|o_symbol ) ==> STR

FUN Replace_last|_symbol (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR F|rom_symbol ,
STR T|o_symbol ) ==> STR

FUN Replace_no_case|_symbol (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR F|rom_symbol_no_case ,
STR T|o_symbol ) ==> STR

FUN Replace_no_case_last|_symbol (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR F|rom_symbol_no_case ,
STR T|o_symbol ) ==> STR

FUN Replace_all (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR F|rom_symbol ,
STR T|o_symbol ) ==> STR

FUN Replace_all_no_case|_in_F (
STR S|ource_string ,
STR F|rom_symbol ,
STR T|o_symbol ) ==> STR

FUNCTION Repeat|_string (
STR What|_to_repeat ,
INT Count|_spaces ) ==> STR

FUN Hex|_from_integer (
INT N|umber_to_hex ,
INT Min|imum_digits ) ==> STR

FUN From_hex ( STR S|tring_start_from_hex_number ) ==> INT

FUN S0|_zero_leading_number (
INT N|umber_to_string ,
INT Min|imum_digits ) ==> STR

---------------------------------------------------------------- 'encoding'


ENUMERATION {encoding} :


        'ASCII|_ENCODING' ,

        'UTF8|_ENCODING' ,

        'UTF16|_UNICODE' ,

        'UTF16_BIG|_ENDIAN' ,

        'UTF7|_ENCODING' ,

        'UTF32|_ENCODING' ,

        'UTF32_BIG|_ENDIAN' .

FUN Inner_encoding|_of_strings_in_the_environment ==> {encoding}

FUN Encoding_supported (
{String_functions}.{encoding} E|ncoding ) ==> BOOL

FUN Bytes_to_ascii (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_to_utf8 (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_to_utf7 (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_to_utf16 (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_to_utf16_big (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_to_utf32 (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_to_utf32_big (
BYTE B|uffer_bytes [*] ) ==> STR , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_default ( BYTE D|estination [] , STR S|ource_string )

FUN Bytes_from_ascii (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_utf8 (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_utf7 (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_utf16 (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_utf16_big_endian (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_utf32 (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Bytes_from_utf32_big_endian (
BYTE D|estination [] ,
STR S|ource_string ) , NATIVE

FUN Unicode16_to_Ansi (
STR U|nicode_string ,
BYTE A|nsi_string_bytes [] ) , NATIVE

FUN Oem_to_string ( STR Oem|_encoded_string ) ==> STR