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CLASS {Sorting|_functions_and_object} , UNTESTED :

A class to sort arrays and to compare variables of different data types. Using generic data type {?} allows to reduce code to a single function which can handle variables of the most of data types in one (INTEGER, REAL, BYTE or STRING).

IMPORT : {System_functions} .

------------------------ 'when Obj inherited from {Sorting} is a parameter'


METHOD Data_sort ( INT Count|_items_to_sort )

------------------------------------------------------- 'sort simple array'


FUNCTION Sort_int|eger_array_qsort_not_recursive (
INT A|rray_to_sort [*] )

FUNCTION Sort_int_dec|ending_qsort_not_recursive (
INT A|rray_to_sort [*] )

FUNCTION Sort_real|_array_qsort_not_recursive (
REAL A|rray_to_sort [*] )

FUNCTION Sort_real_desc|ending_array_qsort_not_recursive (
REAL A|rray_to_sort [*] )

FUNCTION Sort_str|ing_array_qsort_not_recursive (
STR A|rray_to_sort [*] )

FUNCTION Sort_str_desc|ending_array_qsort_not_recursive (
STR A|rray_to_sort [*] )

----------------------------------------- 'maximum, minimum of two numbers'


FUNCTION IMax|imum_of_two_integer_values (
INT A|_operand ,
INT B|_operand ) ==> INT , DEPRECATED('Min')

FUNCTION IMin|imum_of_two_values (
INT A|_operand ,
INT B|_operand ) ==> INT , DEPRECATED('Max')

FUNCTION Max|imum_of_two_values (
INT,REAL,STR A|_operand ,
INT,REAL,STR B|_operand ) ==> INT,REAL,STR

FUNCTION Min|imum_of_two_values (
INT,REAL,STR A|_operand ,
INT,REAL,STR B|_operand ) ==> INT,REAL,STR

FUNCTION Index_of_min|imal_in_array (
INT,REAL,STR A|rray_to_search_in [*] ) ==> INT

FUNCTION Index_of_max|imal_in_array (
INT,REAL,STR A|rray_to_search_in [*] ) ==> INT

FUNCTION Find_min|imal_value_in_array (
INT,REAL,STR A|rray_to_search_in [*] ) ==> INT,REAL,STR

FUNCTION Find_max|imal_value_in_array (
INT,REAL,STR A|rray_to_search_in [*] ) ==> INT,REAL,STR

---------------------------------------------------------------- 'restrict'


FUNCTION Restrict|_by_range (
INT,REAL Value|_to_restrict ,
INT,REAL Range1|_side ,
INT,REAL Range2|_side ) ==> INT,REAL