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CLASS {Report|_printing} , UNTESTED, BITWISE:

IMPORT : {Geometry} , {Canvas} , {Font} , {Bitmap} , {Mathematics} .

STR Title|_of_report_document , INIT


ENUMERATION {wrap|_words_syllabels} :

        'NO_WRAP|_CUT_TEXT' ,

        'WRAP_WORDS' ,

        'WRAP_SYLLABELS' .

ENUMERATION {align_text} :

        'LEFT|_ALIGN' ,

        'RIGHT|_ALIGN' ,

        'CENTER|_ALIGN' ,

        'JUSTIFY|_SIDES' .

ENUMERATION {vertical_align} :

        'TOP|_ALIGN' ,

        'BOTTOM|_ALIGN' ,


CONSTANT INT {font_style} :

          BOLD|_STYLE = 1

          ITALIC|_STYLE = 2

          UNDERLINE|_STYLE = 4

          STRIKEOUT|_STYLE = 8 .

STRUCTURE {margins|_for_cell}

      REAL Left|_margin

      REAL Right|_margin

      REAL Top|_margin

      REAL Bottom|_margin .

STRUCTURE {cell|_of_band}

      STR Name|_of_cell

      INT Band|_index

      {rect} Bounds|_relative_to_band

      {rect} Bounds0|_initial

      REAL Border|_width

      REAL Border_ex|ternal_width

      STR Borders|_lines_LRTB_Diagonal_Zdiagonal

      {margins} Margins|_4_sides

      {wrap} Wrap|_words

      BOOL Scale_down|_to_fit_text

      BOOL Scale_up

      BOOL Transparent

      INT Background

      INT Foreground

      {align_text} Align|_text

      {vertical_align} Vertical_align

      BOOL Show_pages_count|_rather_then_text

      INT Font_face_index INDEXING STR

      INT Font_style

      REAL Font_size .

--------------------------------------------------------- 'bands and cells'

STR Band_names[] , READ

{cell} Cells|_array[] , READ

STR Values|_text_of_all_cells[] , READ

---------------------------------------------------------------- 'creating'


METHOD Band|_create ( STR Band_name )

METHOD Band_borders|_set ( REAL Value|_border , REAL External_border )

METHOD Border_sides ( STR Sides|_border_LRTB_D_Z )

METHOD Margins|_for_next_cells ( {margins} M|argins_to_set )

METHOD Wrapping|_and_scaling (
{wrap} Wrap|_to_set ,
BOOL Scale_down|_to_fit ,
BOOL Scale_up )

METHOD Align|_text (
{align_text} Align|_text ,
{vertical_align} Vertical_align )

METHOD Font|_custom ( STR Font_face , REAL Font_size , STR Font_style )

METHOD Colors|_custom ( INT Foreground , INT Background )

METHOD Cell|_create (
STR Name|_of_cell ,
{rect} Rect|angle ,
STR Value|_initial )

METHOD Cell_r|ight (
STR Name|_of_cell ,
{rect} Rect|angle ,
STR Value|_initial )

METHOD Cell_d|own (
STR Name|_of_cell ,
{rect} Rect|angle ,
STR Value|_initial )

METHOD Show_pages_count|_just_created_cell_wiil_be_show_rather_then_value

METHOD Total_pages|_count_generated ==> INT

------------------------------------------- 'using bands / cells in report'

INDEXING (STR, {page_attr})

INT Current|_band_index , READ


METHOD Set_current ( INT New_current ) , SETTER FOR Current

METHOD Band_name ==> STR

METHOD Select|_band_by_name ( STR Name_band )

BOOL OK|_if_last_change_was_successful , READ


METHOD Change|_value_while_printing (
STR Cell_name ,
STR Value|_to_set )

METHOD Is_fit|_text_of_all_cells_of_band ==> BOOL

METHOD Resize|_all_cells_in_band_vertically (
REAL Percents|_100_to_reset )

METHOD Resize_to_fit ( REAL Maximal|_percents , REAL Delta|_percents )

------------------------------------------------------ 'printing / drawing'

{Canvas} Canvas|_destination , READ

{Bitmap} Fake|_bitmap


METHOD Destination|_canvas_set ( {Canvas} Value|_canvas )

ENUMERATION {move_pos|ition_direction} :

        'NOT_MOVE' ,

        'MOVE_DOWN' ,

        'MOVE_RIGHT' .

METHOD Print_down

METHOD Print_right

METHOD Print_band (
BOOL Wrap|_next_line_if_too_wide_band ,
BOOL Next_page|_if_too_high_band ,
{move_pos} Move|_position_after_printing_band ) ==> BOOL

METHOD Band_height ( STR Name|_of_band ) ==> REAL

METHOD Band_width ( STR Name|_of_band ) ==> REAL

BOOL Syllabels_second|_time_to_try_to_fit_only


METHOD Desired_rect|angle_for_cell ( STR Name|_cell ) ==> {rect}

METHOD Set_band_height ( REAL H|eight_to_set ) , PUSH

METHOD Band_rect|angle ==> {rect}

------------------------------------------------------------ 'page control'

BOOL Landscape|_orientation , READ


METHOD Set_landscape (
BOOL V|alue_landscape ) , SETTER FOR Landscape

METHOD Page_width ==> REAL

METHOD Page_height ==> REAL

METHOD Height_available ==> REAL

METHOD Width_available ==> REAL

METHOD Page_margin_left ==> REAL

METHOD Page_margin_right ==> REAL

METHOD Page_margin_top ==> REAL

METHOD Page_margin_bottom ==> REAL

ENUMERATION {page_size} :

        'A4|_USUAL_PAGE_FORMAT' ,

        'A3|_LARGE_PAGE' ,

        'A5|_SMALL_PAGE' ,

        'CUSTOM_SIZE' .

METHOD Set_page|_size_and_orientation (
{page_size} Page_format ,
{point} Size|_for_case_of_CUSTOM_SIZE ,
BOOL Is_landscape )

METHOD Set_margins|_page ( {margins} Value|_to_set )

STRUCTURE {page_attr|ibutes}

      REAL Page_width|_in_points

      REAL Page_height|_in_points

      BOOL Landscape|_orientation

      {margins} Margins|_page .

{point} Position|_in_page


METHOD Count|_pages ==> INT

METHOD Page_number|_current_from_1 ==> INT

METHOD End_page

--------------------------------------------------- 'stored print commands'


ENUMERATION {kind_command|_to_print} :


        'LINE|_COMMAND' ,

        'TEXT|_COMMAND' ,

        'COUNT|_PAGES' .

STRUCTURE {command|_info}

      INT Page|_index

      {kind_command} Kind|_of_command

      {point} Point1|_line

      {point} Point2|_line

      REAL Line_width

      INT Color|_line_fill_or_text

      BOOL Transparent

      BOOL Show_pages_count

      INT Font_face_index INDEXING STR

      REAL Font_size

      INT Font_style .

METHOD Clear|_all_commands_before_prepare_report

------------------------------------------------------ 'draw page commands'

REAL Scale_draw

BOOL Do_not_reset|_transforms_before_draw

BOOL Do_not_rotate|_if_landscape|_set_TRUE_to_preview_when_landscape

BOOL Do_not_erase


METHOD Draw_page ( INT Index|_of_page_to_print )

--------------------------------------------------------- 'generate report'


FUNCTION Generate|_override_next_method (
{Report} R|eport_to_generate ) , HANDLER

METHOD Generated ==> BOOL

----------------------------------------------------- 'methods to override'