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CLASS {Paint_tabs|_scrollable} , UNTESTED :

A class to view and to select by a user (viq a mouse or other touch device) a line of tabs.

IMPORT : {Paintbox} , {Form} , {AL4_form} , {Control} .

BASE CLASS {Paintbox} .


FUNCTION New_paint_tabs (
{Form} Parent|_form ,
STR Alias|_paint_lines ) ==> {Paint_tabs} , NEW

-------------------------------------------------------------------- 'tabs'

STR Tabs|_list[] , READ



{Object} Data_|for_tabs_[] , READ

BOOL Highlight|_tabs[] , READ

INT Color_highlight|_for_highlighted_tabs


METHOD Insert_tab|_at_position (
INT At|_position ,
STR Tab_name|_to_insert ,
{Object} Data|_to_associate_with_tab_inserted )

METHOD Replace_tab (
INT At|_position ,
STR Tab_name|_to_insert ,
{Object} Data|_to_associate_with_tab_inserted )

METHOD Delete_tab ( INT At|_position )

METHOD Move_tab ( INT From|_position , INT To|_position )

METHOD Set_highlight ( INT Index|_to_highlight , BOOL Set|_or_reset )

------------------------------------------------------------- 'current tab'


INT Current_tab|_index , READ


METHOD Current|_tab_get ==> INT

METHOD Select|_tab|_by_index ( INT Index|_tab )

------------------------------------------------------------ 'drawing tabs'


METHOD Tab_position (
INT Index|_of_tab INDEXING REAL ) ==> REAL

METHOD Tab_width (
INT Index|_of_tab INDEXING REAL ) ==> REAL

INT Drawing_tab|_index_or_minus_one_when_filling_background