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CLASS {Font2D|_tool} , UNTESTED :

A class to control a font used while drawing with {OpenGL}.

IMPORT : {Font} , {AL4_font} , {OpenGL} , {Bitmap_direct} , {Bitmap} , {Geometry} , {Canvas} .


------------------------------------------------------------ 'construction'


FUN New_font_2D ( STR F|ace_name , REAL S|ize_font ) ==> {Font2D} , NEW

------------------------------------------------------------------- 'style'


OVERRIDE Set_style (
{Font}.{font_attr} A|ttribute_to_set ,
BOOL Set|_or_clear )

----------------------------------------------------------------- 'charset'


OVERRIDE Set_charset ( INT C|harset_value )

------------------------------------------------------------- 'text colour'

INT Color|_of_text , READ


METHOD Set_color ( INT C|olor_value )

----------------------------------------------------------------- 'kerning'

INT Kerning|_between_letters_in_pixels_can_be_negative , READ


METHOD Set_kerning|_additional_to_system_defined ( INT K|erning_value )

--------------------- 'all characters which can be printed using this font'

STR Chars|_in_font , READ


METHOD Add|_chars_from_string ( STR S|tring_containing_chars_to_add )

METHOD Clear|_chars_collection_and_reset_font_texture

---------------------------------------- 'preferred texture size in pixels'


METHOD Set_texture_size|_desired (
INT Bitmap_w|idth ,
INT Bitmap_h|eight ) , IF Bitmap_w IS CONST , THEN Bitmap_w IN [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096], IF Bitmap_h IS CONST , THEN Bitmap_h IN [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096] :

------------------------------------------------------ 'use mipmaps or not'

BOOL Mipmaps|_use_to_build_font_default_TRUE , READ


METHOD Set_mipmaps|_use ( BOOL Use|_mipmaps )

--------------------------------- 'some values calculated while preparing:'

INT Maximal_width|_of_characters , READ

REAL Average_width|_of_character , READ

INT Height_char|acters_same_for_all_characters , READ

INT Space_width|_if_not_set_average_width_will_be_used

--------------------------------------------------------- 'prepare texture'


METHOD Prepare|_texture ==> INT


          FIX_WIDTH_CHAR = 0.4 .

METHOD Load|_texture_build_lists (
{Bitmap_direct} B|itmap_chars_drawn ) ==> INT

----------------------------------------------- 'text painting on {OpenGL}'


METHOD Draw_at|_XY_string (
STR S|tring_to_draw ,
REAL X|_offset ,
REAL Y|_offset ) ==> REAL

METHOD Draw|_string_return_width_drawn (
STR S|tring_to_draw ) ==> REAL