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CLASS {Edit|_control} , UNTESTED :

A visual form component: single line of text edit. See also a definition of its ancestor {Control} and of a form: {Form}.

IMPORT : {Control} , {Form} .

BASE CLASS {Control} .

------------------------------------------------------- 'new edit creation'


FUNCTION New_edit|_text (
{Form} Parent|_form ,
STR Alias|_name ) ==> {Edit} , NEW

FUNCTION New_text_edit|_with_options (
{Form} Parent|_form ,
STR Alias|_name ,
STR Options|_Number|Phone|Suggestions_if_empty_then_Suggestions_supposed ) ==> {Edit} , NEW

FUNCTION New_password_edit (
{Form} Parent|_form ,
STR Alias|_name ,
STR Pass|word_char ) ==> {Edit} , NEW

---------------------------------------------------------- 'read only edit'


METHOD Read_only ==> BOOL

FUNCTION New_read_only_edit (
{Form} Parent|_form ,
STR Alias|_name ) ==> {Edit} , NEW

----------------------------------------------------------- 'selected text'


OVERRIDE Get_selection ==> STR

OVERRIDE Replace_selection ( STR T|ext_replacing_selection )

METHOD Set_selection_range (
INT Start|_index ,
INT Length|_characters )

METHOD Select_all

METHOD Get_selection_start ==> INT

METHOD Get_selection_length ==> INT

---------------------------------------------------------- 'maximal length'

INT Max_len|gth , READ


METHOD Set_max_len|gth ( INT Value|_max_length ) , SETTER FOR Max_len

----------------------------------------------------------- 'password char'

STR Password_char , READ