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CLASS {Date_time|_manipulations} , ABSTRACT, NATIVE, TESTED :

The special structure {date_time} is introduced in this abstract class to represent a time.

IMPORT : {NATIVE_Date_time} , {Mathematics} , {String_functions} .

--------------------- 'structure type for variables representing date/time'


STRUCTURE {date_time}

      REAL dt|_represents_date_and_time .

The structure type to store time.

FUNCTION DT|_inner_real_value_in_milliseconds (
{date_time} V|alue_struncture ) ==> REAL

FUNCTION Date_time|_from_milliseconds (
REAL DT|_milliseonds_from_0BC ) ==> {date_time}

ENUMERATION {day|_of_week} :

        'SUNDAY|_WEEK' ,

        'MONDAY|_WEEK' ,

        'TUESDAY|_WEEK' ,

        'WEDNESDAY|_WEEK' ,

        'THURSDAY|_WEEK' ,

        'FRIDAY|WEEK' ,

        'SATURDAY|_WEEK' .

The day of week.

-------------------------------------------------------- 'create date/time'

FUNCTION Date|_encode (
INT Year|_e_g_2019 ,
INT Month|_date_1_to_12 ,
INT Day|_of_month_1_to_31 ) ==> {date_time}

Creating an instance of date/time from values of year, month and day. The resulting instance has time set to 0:00.

FUNCTION Now|_date_time ==> {date_time}

Current date and time (local).

FUNCTION UTC_now|_date_and_time ==> {date_time}

Current date and time (universal).

---------------- 'add/subtract days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds'

FUNCTION Add_months (
{date_time} DT|_source ,
INT M|onths_add_negative_to_subtract ) ==> {date_time}

Adding or subtracting months. Pass 12 to add a year.

FUNCTION Add_days (
{date_time} DT_source ,
REAL D|ays_add ) ==> {date_time}

Adding or subtracting days.

FUNCTION Add_hours (
{date_time} DT_source ,
INT Hours|_add ) ==> {date_time}

Adding or subtracting hours.

FUNCTION Add_minutes (
{date_time} DT_source ,
INT M|inutes_add ) ==> {date_time}

Adding or subtracting minutes.

FUNCTION Add_seconds (
{date_time} DT_source ,
INT S|econds_add ) ==> {date_time}

Adding or subtracting seconds.

FUNCTION Add_millisec|onds (
{date_time} DT_source ,
INT MS|econds_add ) ==> {date_time}

Adding or subtracting milliseconds.

FUNCTION Difference|_in_days (
{date_time} A|fter_date_time ,
{date_time} B|efore_date_time ) ==> REAL

Difference between two times measured in days (as a real number where the fractional part represents part of a day).

FUN Compare|_date (
{date_time} A|fter_date_time ,
{date_time} B|efore_date_time ) ==> REAL

Comparing two times subtracting them. Actually, reusult is a difference in milliseconds (and parts of milliseconds if available), which sign can be used to compare two dates.

FUN Hours_diff|erence (
{date_time} A|fter_date_time ,
{date_time} B|efore_date_time ) ==> REAL

Difference between two times measured in hours (as a real number where the fractional part represents part of a hour).

FUN Minutes_diff|erenceate_time (
{date_time} A|fter_date_time ,
{date_time} B|efore_date_time ) ==> REAL

Difference between two times measured in minutes (as a real number where the fractional part represents part of a minute).

FUN Seconds_diff|erenceate_time (
{date_time} A|fter_date_time ,
{date_time} B|efore_date_time ) ==> REAL

Difference between two times measured in seconds (as a real number where the fractional part represents part of a second).

FUN Milliseconds_diff|erenceate_time (
{date_time} A|fter_date_time ,
{date_time} B|efore_date_time ) ==> REAL

Difference between two times measured in milliseconds.

------------------------------------------------- 'extract parts from date'

FUN Only_date || Date_only ( {date_time} DT_source ) ==> {date_time}

Extracting the date part only (nullifying the time).

FUNCTION Year|_of_date (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting a year.

FUNCTION Month|_of_date_1_to_12 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting a month.

FUNCTION Day|_of_date_1_to_31 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting a day of month.

FUNCTION Week_day|_of_date (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> {day}

Extracting a day of week.

FUNCTION Hour|_of_date_0_to_23 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting hours.

FUNCTION Minute|_of_date_0_to_59 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting minutes.

FUNCTION Second|_of_date_0_to_59 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting seconds.

FUNCTION Millisec|ond_of_date_0_to_999 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting milliseconds.

---------------------------------------- 'number of day in year/month/week'


FUNCTION Day_of_year|_1_to_366 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Extracting a day of year.

FUNCTION Days_in_month|_28_to_31 (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> INT

Returns amount of days in a months.

FUNCTION Is_leap_year ( INT Y|ear_of_date ) ==> BOOL

-------------------------------------------------- 'formatting date / time'

FUN S|tr|ing_representing_date_and_time_in_short_default_format (
{date_time} DT|_source ) ==> STR

Representing a date/time as a string. Results can be different on different platforms: order of fields, its format, number of fields can differ depending on target language, OS, and user default locale.

FUN Format|ted_date_time (
{date_time} DT|_source ,
STR F|ormat_string ) ==> STR

Formatting a date and time by a certain format specified.

FUN Month_names|_English (
INT M|onth_number_1_to_12 INDEXING STR ) ==> STR

Month names in English: January, February, ...

FUN Weekday_2|_chars ( {day} W|eek_day ) ==> STR

Short 2 characters week days names in English: Su, Mo, Tu ...

FUN Weekday_name|s ( {day} W|eek_day ) ==> STR

Week days names in English: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ...