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CLASS {Combo|box|_control} , UNTESTED :

A visual form component: combobox with a drop-down text list. One of items from the list can be selected. Main event is changed. See also a definition of its ancestor {Control} and of a form: {Form}.

IMPORT : {Form} , {Control} , {AL4_form} .

BASE CLASS {Control} .

------------------------------------------------------------------ 'create'


FUN New_combo (
{Form} Form|_parent ,
STR Alias|_control ,
STR Items|_NL_separated ) ==> {Combo} , NEW

------------------------------------------------------------------- 'items'



METHOD Set_items|_NL_separated ( STR V|alue_as_single_string )

METHOD Set_array|_of_items ( STR V|alues_set [*] )


OVERRIDE Get_item (
INT Row|_line ,
INT Col|umn_dummy ) ==> STR , RESTRICT Col IN [0] :

OVERRIDE Set_item (
INT Row|_line ,
INT Col|umn_dummy ,
STR Value|_to_set ) , RESTRICT Col IN [0] :

METHOD Item|s_of_combo_list ( INT Row|_index ) ==> STR

METHOD Item_set|_combo_list (
INT Row|_index ,
STR Value|_set ) , SETTER FOR Item

METHOD Find|_item ( STR F|inding_str ) ==> INT

METHOD Add_item ( STR A|dding_str ) ==> INT

METHOD Insert_item ( INT I|ndex_where_insert , STR V|alue_insert )

----------------------------------------------------------- 'item selected'


OVERRIDE Get_text ==> STR

METHOD Selected ==> INT

METHOD Current|_item ==> INT

METHOD Select|_item ( INT Index|_to_select ) , SETTER FOR Current