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CLASS {Button|_control} , UNTESTED :

A visual form component - button. Can be created with a direct constructor, or calling a function New_button. It is intended to provide pressing it by a user. A handler of a click event - a method click of a parent form. Also other mouse or keyboard events are possible. To switch a button to an unavailable (grayed) or hidden state, use form events / hidden (a button should be listed in a correspondent form's list grayable[] / can_hide[]).

IMPORT : {Control} , {AL4_form} , {Form} .

BASE CLASS {Control} .


FUN New_button (
{Form} Form|_parent ,
STR Alias|_of_button ,
STR Cap|tion_button ) ==> {Button} , NEW

METHOD Make_default|_button_on_form

METHOD Make_cancel|_button_on_form