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CLASS {Bitmap|_image} , UNTESTED :

A class to work with resterized images (load, save, show, modify).

IMPORT : {File_path} , {Canvas} , {System_functions} , {Geometry} .

INT Handle|_bitmap_object , READ

INT Width|_pixels

INT Height|_pixels


METHOD Bounds|_in_pixels ==> {rect}

METHOD Bits_per_pixel ==> INT

------------------------------------------------- 'create bitmap, set size'


FUNCTION New_bitmap|_set_Bpp_to_0_as_default_Bpp_32_except_linux (
INT Pixels_w|idth ,
INT Pixels_h|eight ,
INT Bpp|_value_use_0_if_you_have_no_special_purpose ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW

METHOD Set_size|_preserve_topleft_part_of_image (
INT New_w|idth ,
INT New_h|eight )

METHOD PtWidth|_in_points ==> REAL

METHOD PtHeight|_in_points ==> REAL

------------------------------------------------------------- 'load / save'


ENUMERATION {reduce_size|_of_image_while_load} :

        'FULL|_SIZE' ,

        'HALF|_SIZE' ,

        'QUAR|TER|_SIZE' ,

        'EIGH|TH_SIZE' .

FUNCTION Load_bitmap|_from_file (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Bmp}.From_file, {Jpeg}.From_file, etc.')

FUNCTION Load_jpg (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Jpeg}.From_file')

FUN Load_jpeg_thumb|nail (
STR Path|_of_file ,
INT Div|ider_of_size_2_4_8 ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Jpeg}.From_file')

FUNCTION Load_png (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Png}.From_file')

FUN Load_png_thumb|nail (
STR Path|_of_file ,
INT Div|ider_of_size_2_4_8 ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Png}.From_file')

FUNCTION Load_gif ( STR Path|_of_file ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW

METHOD Save|_bitmap_to_file_default_format (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Bmp}.To_file, {Jpeg}.To_file, etc.')

METHOD Save_bmp (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Bmp}.To_file, {Jpeg}.To_file, etc.')

METHOD Save_jpg|_quality_80 (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Jpeg}.To_file')

METHOD Save_jpg_q|uality (
STR Path|_of_file ,
REAL Quality|_10_to_100 ) ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Jpeg}.To_file')

METHOD Save_gif (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Gif}.To_file')

METHOD Save_png (
STR Path|_of_file ) ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Png}.To_file')

FUNCTION Can_load_format ( STR Format|_BMP_GIF_JPG_PNG ) ==> BOOL

FUNCTION Can_save_format ( STR Format|_BMP_GIF_JPG_PNG ) ==> BOOL

------------------------------------------------ 'canvas to draw on bitmap'


METHOD Canvas|_to_draw_on_bitmap ==> {Canvas}

------------------------------------------- 'draw bitmap on another Canvas'


METHOD Draw|_at_point_on_canvas (
{Canvas} Dest|ination_canvas ,
{Geometry}.{point} Point_dest|ination )

METHOD Stretch_draw|_on_canvas (
{Canvas} Dest|ination_canvas ,
{Geometry}.{rect} Rect|angle_to_draw_in_strething )

---------------------------------------------- 'to call in {Bitmap_direct}'

BOOL Locked|_pixels_are_used_internally , READ


METHOD Unlock|_bitmap ( BOOL Write|_back_to_bitmap )

---------------------------------------------------------- 'capture screen'


METHOD Capture_screen|_rectangle (
{point} P|oint_top_left_of_capture_rectangle )

----------------------------------------------------------- 'other sources'


FUNCTION Bitmap_from_clipboard ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Bmp}.From_clipboard')

METHOD To_clipboard ==> BOOL , DEPRECATED('{Bmp}.To_clipboard')

FUN Bitmap_from_stream ( {Stream} Source|_stream ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW

FUN Jpeg_from_stream (
{Stream} Source|_stream ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Jpeg}.From_stream')

FUN Jpeg_from_stream_ex (
{Stream} Source|_stream ,
INT Div|ide_size_2_4_8 ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Jpeg}.From_stream')

FUN Gif_from_stream ( {Stream} Source|_stream ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW

FUN Png_from_stream (
{Stream} Source|_stream ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Png}.From_stream')

FUN Png_from_stream_ex (
{Stream} Source|_stream ,
INT Div|ide_size_2_4_8 ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , DEPRECATED('{Png}.From_stream')

---------------------------------------------------------------- 'rotating'


METHOD Rotate|_flip|_and_return_rotated_bitmap (
INT Angle|_supported_90_180_270 ,
BOOL Flip_w|idth ,
BOOL Flip_h|eight ) ==> {Bitmap} , NEW , IF Angle IS CONST, THEN Angle IN [0, 90, 180, 270, 360] :

--------------------------------------------------------------- 'inverting'


METHOD Inverse_colors ==> {Bitmap} , NEW